
My new love…

Oh please someone get me ‘THE parenting guidelines’ book … please. I am in desperate need. I knew that my skills were always borderline acceptable but now I am seriously doubting myself. I will truly spare you the details ( I know I always say this and always digress into these details) but it is something along the lines of when should you give your son some money to go to the shop alone (in the realization that he is not going to come back with a bag of apples and some all -bran super healthy breakfast bars) and what to do when the friends who went along decided to cause quite some trouble in the shop. Kicking myself that I let him go…I just crumbled under the peer pressure…
Anyway, enough already. I have been working on the website and have therefore not been around again. The problem is that when I post a blog I usually like to take some time to do this (I know it may not seem that way). I love to write the posts but they are too time consuming whilst I am trying to work on my business. However I must also confess that I have been unfaithful and found another love….it’s called ‘Instagram’. I can’t believe it took me so long to discover and it is just so ‘instant’! At this point it is very easy for me to provide some direct insight into my projects or home with only some quick snaps, without having to write something along with them.  And the response has been good. I am not going to abandon this ship and will continue to post but if you want to see some of the pictures please go to my Magpiehomes Instagram account.

For now, here are some of the recent pictures I posted on Instagram.

Have a great weekend!




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